

MiG 21 US 236     Rothenburg  18-08-2003

MiG-21-U     296      FAG-15   Rothenburg  26-05-2008

MiG-19-PM    335    Ex  JG-3  Rothenburg  26-05-2008

MiG 21-SPS  545   Ex NVA    Rothenburg  18-08-2003

MiG 21-SPS  545   Ex NVA    Rothenburg  18-08-2003

MiG 21 M  581   Ex NVA    Rothenburg  18-08-2003

MiG 21 M  581   Ex NVA    Rothenburg  18-08-2003

 MiG 21-F-13     623      Rothenburg  26-05-2008

Su-22.M3  Fitter   757  Ex NVA    Rothenburg  18-08-2003

MiG 23-BN     689  JBG-31      Rothenburg  26-05-2008

MiG 23 BN  689   Ex NVA    Rothenburg  18-08-2003

MiG 21-MF  784   Ex NVA    Rothenburg  25-03-2003

MiG 21 Bis-SAU   838  Ex NVA    Rothenburg  25-03-2003

Aero L-39  Albatros  143    Ex NVA    Rothenburg  25-03-2003

Aero L-29  Delfin   339   Ex NVA    Rothenburg  25-03-2003

F-104G Starfighter  26+51   Rothenburg  26-05-2008

F-86F Sabre    JB-110   Luftwaffe  Rothenburg  26-05-2008






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Since Aug-2010